i am the
web developer

I am a versatile developer with expertise in web development, Java development, and app development. I have a strong passion for creating innovative and user-friendly solutions that meet the needs of modern businesses and individuals.Here's a brief overview of my skills and experience.

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A b o u t   M e

I'm Lokendra Yadav..
Welcome to my software engineer portfolio! While my educational background is in electronics and communication engineering, my passion for coding and problem-solving led me to transition into the software engineering field. Through this portfolio, I aim to highlight my technical skills, programming expertise, and relevant projects and internships. I'm excited to share my journey and showcase my potential as a software engineer with a foundation in electronics engineering.''

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Electronics and Communication Engineering
Samrat Ashok Technological Institute Vidisha, India
Graduated: 2024      CGPA: 7.53
Higher Secondary Education (12th Grade)
Saraswati Shishu Mandir Higher Secondary School, Niwari, India
Completed: 2019      Percentage: 86.2%
Secondary Education (10th Grade)
Saraswati Shishu Mandir Higher Secondary School, Niwari, India
Completed: 2017      Percentage: 92.8%
GET in Production Department
Ashok Leyland June 2023 - June 2023, Alwar, Rajasthan
    • Successfully cleared the GET interview at Ashok Leyland's production department.
    • (Didn't join due to department mismatch with my field of study.)
Cyber Security Intern
IBM Skills Build (Aicte Approved) June 2023 - July 2023, Remote Mode
    • International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) is an American multinational technology corporation.
    • Developed a keylogger and created a comprehensive PPT focusing on cybersecurity.
Campus Ambassador (Sales)
InternsElite June 2023 - August 2023, Remote Mode
    • Grew college enrollment by 5% by creating and executing a successful marketing campaign.

M y   S e r v i c e ' s

" Transforming Ideas into Powerful Software Solutions "

Web Development

Specializing in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I craft tailored solutions from simple websites to intricate e-commerce platforms. Utilizing JS libraries like Locomotive and GSAP.

Java Developer

Passionate about robust software solutions, I specialize in Java development, crafting scalable web apps and secure systems. Proficient in Spring, Hibernate, and Java Swing for GUI.

App Development

As an app developer, I excel in mobile app development, delivering impactful apps across platforms with a focus on innovation and user experience.

Cyber Security

Cybersecurity professional adept at safeguarding assets. Offers comprehensive services against evolving threats. Developed keylogger and cybersecurity presentation.

Content Writer

Passionate content writer capturing club magic through resonant dialogues, transporting audiences to different realms.

Database Management

With extensive MySQL experience, I efficiently design and manage databases for portfolio websites. Skilled in complex queries and performance optimization, I ensure data integrity.

P r o j e c t ' s

"Showcasing My Innovative Programming Projects: A Testament to Creativity and Skill"

Responsive Websites, Clones And Games

  • 1. Sleek portfolio website crafted with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and enhanced functionalities with JS libraries.
  • 2. Classic Snake game with multiple levels and high score tracking feature.
  • 3. created an innovative blog management platform.
  • 4. Create a versatile calculator application with dual themes for both dark and light modes.
  • 5. Innovative twist on Tic Tac Toe with captivating features.
  • 6. Responsive clones of popular websites with unique twists and functionalities.
  • 7. Revamped replicas of top websites, optimized for all devices and user experiences.
  • 8. Modernized versions of renowned websites, ensuring seamless browsing across all screen sizes.
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Projct Gif Snake game blog management site calculator image tic toe image project image project image project image project image
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Android App's And Games Develop Project

  • 1.  Quiz application featuring score tracking and insightful feedback.
  • 2. application development through a practical calculator app project.
  • 3. Another version of a portfolio website demonstrating additional projects and achievements.
  • 4. A project involving the replication of an existing website for learning and practice purposes.
  • 5. A project involving the replication of an existing website for learning and practice purposes.

Java Swing and Awt full project

  • 1. Efficient Java-based banking management system with MySQL integration and enhanced GUI via Swing.
  • 2. Comprehensive university management system built with Java, MySQL, and enriched GUI via Swing..
  • 3. Another version of a portfolio website demonstrating additional projects and achievements.
  • 4. A project involving the replication of an existing website for learning and practice purposes.
  • 5. A project involving the replication of an existing website for learning and practice purposes.
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bank management swing project student management swing project
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S k i l l ' s





Swing GUI






Web development


Android Dev.

Android development





C e r t i f i c a t e ' s
C o n t a c t   U s

Leadership Communication Creativity Adaptability Teamwork Persistence Innovation Organization Resilience Initiative Empathy Flexibility

Leadership Communication Creativity Adaptability Teamwork Persistence Innovation Organization Resilience Initiative Empathy Flexibility

Teamwork Persistence Flexibility Communication Creativity Innovation Initiative Resilience Leadership Adaptability Empathy Organization

Flexibility Organization Resilience Creativity Empathy Teamwork Initiative Leadership Adaptability Communication Persistence Innovation

Initiative Flexibility Persistence Leadership Creativity Communication Empathy Resilience Adaptability Organization Teamwork Innovation

Persistence Resilience Flexibility Creativity Empathy Teamwork Innovation Adaptability Organization Initiative Communication Leadership

Empathy Organization Creativity Communication Flexibility Adaptability Innovation Resilience Teamwork Initiative Persistence Leadership

Flexibility Innovation Creativity Leadership Resilience Persistence Empathy Adaptability Organization Initiative Communication Teamwork

Empathy Organization Creativity Communication Flexibility Adaptability Innovation Resilience Teamwork Initiative Persistence Leadership

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